What is not covered
- Congenital diseases
- Plastic surgery and other cosmetic treatments except treatment related to accidents.
- Spectacles, hearing aids, health related Belts and other artificial limbs and aids.
- Dental related diseases and surgery except when there is a need for hospitalization due to accidents etc.
- Disease caused by alcoholism, consumption of drugs
- Venereal diseases, HIV, self-attempted damages to the body, attempt to suicide.
- Dialysis, chemotherapy
- Prenatal and Post-natal diseases, abortions, IUD
- Naturopathy, and treatment related to sterility
- Cost of transport in ambulance, cost of food, travel, telephone expenses incurred by the card holder in connection with the treatment.
- Dog bite, immunization, debility, and anemia.
- Treatment taken as inpatient for diseases which could have been treated as outpatient.
- Expenses incurred for X-Ray, CT scan, MRI, angiogram and other investigations to diagnose the diseases.
- Contagious diseases and diseases/ injury to health caused in masses due to war, communal violence, earth quake, floods, typhoon, tsunami etc.